Informação Nutricional - Poggi Kimchi(whole Cabbage Kimchi) 1000G

Poggi Kimchi(whole Cabbage Kimchi) 1000G

Poggi Kimchi(whole Cabbage Kimchi) 1000G - Chongga

EAN: 0808248144025

Código de Barras 0808248144025

Quantidade: não informado

Embalagem: não informado

Marca: Chongga

Categorias: não informado

Países onde é vendido: France

Notas e Pontuaões

Nutri Score N/A


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Eco Score N/D




157 Ingredientes

*ENGLISH: Cabbage, Radish, Red 0 Starch(Rice, Guar gum), Garlic, Leek, Korean Ieek, Salt, Ginger, Onion, Kelp base sauce(sorbitol, Kelp extract, Fructose), Fermented anchovy sauce(anchovy, sali), Fermented shrimp sauce(shrimp, salt), Lacto bacillus, Sesame *FRENCH: Chou, Radis, Poivre rouge Piquent, L'amidon(Le riz, la gomme de guar), Ail, Poireau, coréen poireau, Sel, Gingermbre, Oignon, Sauce à base de varech(Sorbitol, Kelp Extract, Fructose), Fermentés sauce aux anchois (anchois, sel), Fermentés sauce aux Crevettes(crevettes, sel), L'amidon, Lacto bacille, Sésame *GERMAN: WeiBkohl, Rettich, Rote papper Pulver, Starch(Rice, Guarkernmehl), Knobloch, Lauch, Korean Lauch, Salz, Ingwer, Zwiebel, Kelp Basis Sauce(Sorbit, Kelp Extrakt, Fructose), Fermentierten Sardellen Sauce(Sardellen, Salz), Fermentierte Garnelen Sauce (Garnelen, Salz , Lacto bazillus. For allergen please see the ingredients in bold and underlined ?MANUFACTURED BY DAESANG CORPORATION, Daesang Building, 26, Cheonh8-daer03 Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea OREA / Produit de: Sud Corée ?COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: SO ?IMPORTED BY / IMPORTÉ S, A: - SODO INTERNATIONAL CORP.(l-323 *Terce, CA 90040, USA - H.A.R MASPETH - 888-0802) 5801 S. Malt Ave. CORP. (Tel: 1-718-706-9300) 55Ave Maspeth NY 1 1378 - CALIFORNIA MART(Tel: 1-671-649-0521) 199 Chaian san Antonio Rd, Tamunung, Guam 96911 , USA(GUAM) *CANADA: - PK TRADING INC.(TeI: 1-905-461-2502) 6175 Tomken Rd, Unit l, Mississauga Ontario, 'A 5T IX5 CANADA - GLOBAL Norland Ave. Burnaby V5B 3A6, LTD(I - 604-299-2965) #107 S INTERNATIONAL LTD. (Tel : CANADA *NEW ZEALAND: ASIAN 3-4301 ) Unit IC, 89 Ellice Rd. Auckland, NZ *AUSTRALIA: ASI TRADING PTY LTD(TeI: 61-2-9738-7811) 2/357 Chisholm Rd, Auburn, NSW 2144, Australia *EUROPE: - KOREA FOODS COMPANY(TeI: 44-20 - 8949-2238) Unit 5, Wyern Industrial Estate, Beverley Way, New Malden Surrey KT3 4PH UK - KOREA FOODS S.R.O(TeI: 421-0-24487-1129) Na 18, 831 06 Bratislava, Slovakia - INTER-BURGO NETHERLANDS (Tel: 31-10-437-9330) Vareseweg I , 3047 At Rotterdam, Imported The Netherlands ?STORAGE METHOD: Do not directiy exposed to the sunn ?Keep Refrigerated(32 F 39 F) / DirectlY Garder au Réfrigérateur - from Korea ?BESTBEFORE / MEILLEUR AVANT: printing 2 - on the package / Voir l'impression sur le paque Ripe Fermented


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Análise de ingredientes

Nenhum ingrediente contendo óleo de palma detectado


Nutri Score N/A


Fatores Nutricionais A cada 100g A cada 1/2 Porção
Sodium 0.35g 0.175g
Gorduras 0g 0g
Sal 0.875g 0.4375g
Carboidratos 6g 3g
Energia 33g 16.5g
Fibras 3g 1.5g
Proteinas 2g 1g
Frutas, vegetais, nozes e colza, nozes e azeites 0g 0g
Açucares 2g 1g

Tamanho da porção: 100g

Meio Ambiente

Eco Score N/D


Nota Ecologica N/D

