Informação Nutricional - Tempura battered Fish Burgers

Tempura battered Fish Burgers

Tempura battered Fish Burgers - Aldi - 227 g

EAN: 4088600267234

Código de Barras 4088600267234

Quantidade: 227 g

Embalagem: não informado

Marca: Aldi

Categorias: não informado

Países onde é vendido: en:gb

Notas e Pontuaões

Nutri Score N/A


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Eco Score N/D




47 Ingredientes

salt storage information food freezer* * alaska pollock (theragra chalcogramma) (66%) (fish), wheat flour (wheat flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), batter [water, wheat flour (wheat flour, calcium carbonate, iron, niacin, thiamin), wheat starch, salt, maize starch, tapioca starch, maize flour, palm fat, raising agents: diphosphates, sodium carbonates, dextrose], rapeseed oil, sunflower oil, salt, yeast extract, raising agent: ammonium carbonates, yeast, star marked* frozen food compartment of refrigerator ice making compartment allergy advice: for allergens, see ingredients in bold, warning: although every effort has been made to remove bones, some small bones or fragments may remain, no artificial colours or flavourings, do not re-fri *must b best before end: see fr alaska pollock caught in the northwest pacific (fao 61) and northeast pacific (fao 67), 227ge catch method: trawls, spec the alaska pollock in this product comes from a fishery that has been independently certified to the msc's standard for a well-managed and sustainable fishery, www,msc,org ill aldi ather aldi s aldi po b www, recycle 873k


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Análise de ingredientes

Nenhum ingrediente contendo óleo de palma detectado


Nutri Score N/A


Fatores Nutricionais A cada 100g A cada 1/2 Porção
Gorduras 11g 5.5g
Proteinas 13g 6.5g
Frutas, vegetais, nozes e colza, nozes e azeites 0g 0g
Açucares 0.6g 0.3g
Sal 0.85g 0.425g
Energia 908g 454g
Sodium 0.34g 0.17g
Carboidratos 14g 7g

Tamanho da porção: 100g

Meio Ambiente

Eco Score N/D


Nota Ecologica N/D

