Informação Nutricional - Strepsils lemon sugar free

Strepsils lemon sugar free

Strepsils lemon sugar free

EAN: 5000167023985

Código de Barras 5000167023985

Quantidade: não informado

Embalagem: não informado

Marca: não informado

Categorias: não informado

Países onde é vendido: Vereinigte Arabische Emirate

Notas e Pontuaões

Nutri Score N/A


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Eco Score N/D




27 Ingredientes

Strepsils Lemon Sugar Free lozenges with a unique combination of two anti-bacterial agents to provide fast, effective relief from the discomfort of mouth and throat infections. Suitable for use by people with diabetes. Kind to teeth. Directions: Dissolve one lozenge slowly in the mouth every 2 to 3 hours, or as directed by the physician. Each lozenge contains approx. 2, 4 - Dichlorobenzyl alcohol 1.2 mg, Amylmetacresol B.P. 0.6 mg. Also contains: Isomalt, Maltitol Liquid, Tartaric Acid, Lemon Flavour, Sodium Saccharin. Keep all medicines out of the reach of children. Store below 25°C. Manufacturer: Reckitt Benckiser Healthcare International Ltd, Nottingham, England ۱6 قرصا من الستربسلز الخالي من السكر أقراص ملطفة لتخفيف أعراض إلتهاب الحنجرة مناسب لاستخدام مرضى السكر، غير مؤثر على الأسنان طريقة الإستعمال: ضع قرص واحد من الستربسلز في الفم ودعة يذوب ببطء كل ساعتين أو ثلاث ساعات أو حسب إرشادات الطبيب يحفظ بدرجة حرارة أقل من ۲٥ مئوية احتفظ بالأدوية بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال |مج مراجعة الطبيب إذا استمرت الأعراض


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Análise de ingredientes

Nenhum ingrediente contendo óleo de palma detectado


Nutri Score N/A


Fatores Nutricionais A cada 100g A cada 1/2 Porção
Frutas, vegetais, nozes e colza, nozes e azeites 0g 0g

Tamanho da porção: 100g

Meio Ambiente

Eco Score N/D


Nota Ecologica N/D

Outras Informações

Palavras chaves

