Informação Nutricional - Alka-Seltzer



EAN: 5010605920011

Código de Barras 5010605920011

Quantidade: não informado

Embalagem: não informado

Marca: não informado

Categorias: não informado

Países onde é vendido: en:Ireland

Notas e Pontuaões

Nutri Score N/A


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Eco Score N/D




31 Ingredientes

each effervescent tablet contains: aspihin (acetylsalicylic acid) 324mg, sodium hydrogen arata 1744mg, citric acid anhydrous 965 mg obent 477mg per tablet, see leaflet for ins acetylsalicylic acid (aspir) ons: alka-seltzer must always in water before taking. adults: the usual dose is 2 ab in water, repeated as necessa ximum of 8 tablets in a 24 hour spirin should not be given to particularly those under the age of without medical supervision. if persist for more than 3 days or ience any other symptoms not the original condition, discontinue immediately and consult your olonged use except under medical may be harmful. ceed che stated dose. nation. isolved in water becomes sodium e scdium citrate and sodium bonate. nclude sodium benzoate (e211). paholder bayer ltd, the atrium, blackthom road, dublin 18 for the trademark owners bayer healthcare llc, usa. do not store above 25°c. store in the original package to protect from moisture. keep out of the reach and sight of children. pa 1410/32/1 bayer


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Análise de ingredientes

Nenhum ingrediente contendo óleo de palma detectado


Nutri Score N/A


Fatores Nutricionais A cada 100g A cada 1/2 Porção
Frutas, vegetais, nozes e colza, nozes e azeites 0g 0g

Tamanho da porção: 100g

Meio Ambiente

Eco Score N/D


Nota Ecologica N/D

Outras Informações

Palavras chaves

