Informação Nutricional - Chesty&Cough mixture

Chesty&Cough mixture

Chesty&Cough mixture

EAN: 5011309019117

Código de Barras 5011309019117

Quantidade: não informado

Embalagem: não informado

Marca: não informado

Categorias: não informado

Países onde é vendido: en:gb

Notas e Pontuaões

Nutri Score N/A


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Eco Score N/D




33 Ingredientes

covonia chesty cough mixture mentholated relieves the symptoms of chesty coughs and sore throats shake the bottle. take the solution by mouth. adults, the elderly and children over 12 years: take 1 or 2 x 5ml spoonfuls every 4 hours if required. children 5-12 years: take 1 x 5ml spoonful every 4 hours if required. do not give to children under 5 years old unless your doctor tells you to. warning: do not take more medicine than the label tells you to. for do not take this medicine if you: •are an alcoholic. have breathing difficulties. have raised pressure in your head. have heart, liver or kidney problems. are allergic to anything in this medicine. peel where shown for further precautions if symptoms persist or worsen consult your doctor. keep out of the sight and reach of children. active ingredients per 5ml: levomenthol 4mg, squill tincture 0.6ml, liquorice liquid extract 0.125ml. also contains: ethanol, sucrose, glucose, sodium parahydroxybenzoates (e215, e219). alcohol 7vol%. sucrose 1.3g per 5ml. see reverse for full list.


Nova 4

Alimentos ultraprocessados

Análise de ingredientes

Nenhum ingrediente contendo óleo de palma detectado


Nutri Score N/A


Fatores Nutricionais A cada 100g A cada 1/2 Porção
Frutas, vegetais, nozes e colza, nozes e azeites 0g 0g
Açucares 0g 0g

Tamanho da porção: 100g

Meio Ambiente

Eco Score N/D


Nota Ecologica N/D

Outras Informações

Palavras chaves

